Thursday, January 23, 2014

Foxfire Daily: Documented (Artful Reader's) Life Project

Your favorite Artful White Fox Has begun some new personal projects on top of and working around studying up on her new wireworking technique books, and so I thought I'd share some pix of the work:

Documented Life Project, a community effort where members create art journal pages based on weekly prompts from the organizers. Here's some of my efforts.

My journal, acquired years ago, never used until now, and wrapped in an OmegaWolfe Designs leather case:

You can also see my Week 1 project on the right, which was to photograph or draw your front door. Since my front door is not technically -my- front door, I decided to draw what I'd like it to look and feel like someday.

My Week 2 project, "selfie":

I've been tired, stressed, and worn out lately, with good reason. But, I'm also clinging to some last vestiges of hope and looking up...

Week 3, incorporating envelopes from the mail into the journal:

The leaves were collected here in Albemarle this past Autumn, as were the flowers. The yellow one is from the flowers my Dragon planted in secret one night for me, spread all over the other side of the road... The envelopes with the flowers and leaves scrawled on them are keeping my dried leaves and flowers safe until I can come up with a way to incorporate them in my journal. And you can see the Dragonling bombing my project with her own leaf.

Week 4 is "Write a secret message and paint over all but one word" and I'm still deciding what my message should be...

And this is where I realize (and panic) that amongst all this, I've been neglecting my Artful Reader thing. Well, maybe if I miss January, they won't hate me. Maybe I can double up one month. Or... oh, hell, I'll come up with something.

-your Artful (busy) Fox. 

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